Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Taking Charge and Being Innovative: Entrepreneurship/Creativity

For me entrepreneurship doesn’t come easy.  According to the survey that we all had to take I scored pretty high, but it doesn’t feel that way.  Yes, I do have great ideas sometimes, but I never actually pursue them, and when I do I never finish the project.  I think it is the fact that I lack passion.  There are some cases when I am passionate about something and I get it done and I really enjoy it.  However I am never pleased when it is done, which might be a good thing.  If I were to become complacent with my achievements then they would have no value.  The only way I can keep things valuable is to never be pleased with them.  However if I don’t have passion for something, it never get completed and I sometimes regret not doing it.  I do learn from my mistakes and failures however.  For example I’m never going to save five weeks of work for the night before it is due, that was a really bad idea.  I can assure you that I’m not going to let this happen again, and most likely will avoid classes like this in the future.  I am currently having a hard time deciding what I should do as a career as well.  Should I go the true entrepreneurial route and open my own restaurant that is most likely to fail based on statistics, or should I study the same field that my family has been involved in for years.  It is a dilemma, but at least I have a plan, which is how an entrepreneur does things

1 comment:

Emilio Luna said...

I have the same problem of starting things and never finishing them.